3 Reasons Why I'm Obsessed with "Queen Sugar"

And Why You Should be Too

I have to admit I was a bit slow in jumping on the bandwagon of "Queen Sugar" even though I was intrigued after listening to a review on National Public Radio (NPR). It's always difficult for me to gain access to new U.S series airing in real time here in London because shows launch in the U.K much later. In most cases, TV shows are a season or two behind the U.S except for the occasional "Netflix" shows, "Amazon Prime Video" purchases, or on the "Entertainment network (E)" -express from the U.S. For this reason, I have a long wish list of shows that I intend on watching at some point. 

Lucky for me, I was in the States in early November when my bestie Kuki forced me (No I mean literally turned on the series and made me stay put)  to watch the first six episodes of "Queen Sugar" on-demand TV at her house while she was at work.  I was captivated by episode one.

If you haven't seen it already, I'm not going to ruin it for you, but I'll give a quick synopsis.


Queen Sugar is a story of three siblings who are forced to return to their father's home in Louisiana after he suddenly becomes ill and dies. As a result, they are left to manage his affairs and decide on what to do with their inheritance of the 800-acre sugarcane farm. The siblings are dealing with individual personal struggles but the circumstance of the farm bands them together. The show airs on Oprah Winfrey Network (Own) and is also executive produced by Ms. Winfrey.

Top 3 Reasons Why I Love the Show

1.  Ava DuVernay full stop! She is the creator, writer, director, and executive producer of the show. If you don't know who Ava DuVernay, you're seriously living under a rock. She's the phenomenal visionary filmmaker who brought us the likes of Selma, 13th, and Middle of Nowhere. Maybe it's all in my head, but I can always tell the work of an English literature major, such as DuVernay, and Courtney Kemp Agboh's work (Creator of Power, another one of my favorites) because of the plotlines and character development. A student of literature has the unique ability to analyze texts which is why when they become filmmakers the imagery and content are very detailed and methodological. DuVernay also provides opportunities for women directors of diverse ethnicities to lead production on each episode.

2. Current Social and Political Themes- The show brings to life current issues of police brutality,  homosexuality, racism, substance abuse, sexism, among others in powerful ways. One of the most compelling episodes was on undocumented workers in the US, and the important role they play in the U.S economy.

3. Relatablity- The characters and storylines are relatable. Each of us can identify with what the main characters' experience.


The first season has ended, so there is plenty of time to binge-watch over the holiday. Seriously, YOU OUGHT TO WATCH, I promise you won't be disappointed.


* Honorable Mention-- Kofi Siriboe is definitely a reason to tune in. Shhh.. don't tell the other Ghanaian who I live with LOL.


~Signed Chantal Victoria — Writer, Publisher, and Academic.